"Am I a Duck or an Eagle?” An interesting thing happened to me the other day. I came across a story that Harvey Mackey , a motivation writer, tells about different approaches to life. It is important how we look at life because it defines who we are as a person and can well determine the amount and value of our success. In other words, how we look at ourselves can determine how we look at life. What image in your mind appears when you see a duck? A duck waddles, quacks, swims around in circles with no real solutions or positive results. The quacking may sound a lot like endless complaining with out offering anything positive. Consider the eagle. What pictures do your mind present? Perhaps a soaring bird with purpose, seeking possibilities with some definable purpose? Is he always looking for the best pray, better materials for his nest or even perhaps a higher more defensible nest for his family ?. He worries not about yesterday for it is long gone. He thinks only about today and how he can preserve the future. Now the question becomes, which one are you? The duck will probably never change because ducks are ducks and they do what they do. The good news is people are capable of change. They can set a new course and create new and positive missions. That is of course if you really don’t want to be like a duck and would rather soar like the eagle!